Thursday, November 3, 2011

It has been awhile!

Well, it has been awhile since my last post.  I have a host of, vacation, school starting back up for my son, name it.  Training has been inconsistent at best, but at least I have more confidence about running the Half Marathon in January now than when I registered for it this past March. 
I slacked off for pretty much the entire month of August, and then topped it off with a trip to Walt Disney World.  I was ok in September, even fitting in a local 5k.  Boy, was that a wake up call to let me know that I needed to get serious in training.  On Columbus Day, my sister-in-law, my friend and her friend ran the Tufts 10k for Women in Boston in 83 degree weather!  That is New England for you...who knew that some areas of New England would get socked with 2 feet of snow a mere 3 weeks later.  I finished the 10k in a reasonable time...good enough to move my corral position in the Half Marathon.  I got in a few more sessions of training after that and then came down with a chest cold, so I have been coping with that for a couple weeks and well as lower back spasms.  I intend to get out today and get at least 30 minutes in.  Excellent running weather in Boston today.  According to Jeff Galloway's plan, I am supposed to run 9.5 miles on Saturday.  I am not sure I will get this in, but I hope to get out sometime this weekend to do some training. 
Happy training!