Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Maine Marathon - Sunday, October 6, 2013

I completed my 2nd full marathon, which should actually be my 3rd, but for the lunatics who blew up innocent people at the Boston Marathon. My finish time was 5hrs, 49 mins and 53 seconds. That may be slow to some, but I started it and I finished it. Yes, I had to talk myself into continuing...I had to kick my ass into gear when people at least 30yrs senior to me were passing me, but I did it! Am I crazy??? The jury is still out on that one...chance are that I am.
I started the race with my husband, who was running his first half marathon. He had to keep slowing down for me, but we were pacing somewhere around 11 mins 20 secs for the first 6 miles and then we split off so he could finish the half and I could continue on the marathon route. Boy, was that a long, lonely road. It was a pretty area full of gorgeous homes and cows in pastures, but it was definitely lonely. I normally run alone, but something about being on an unfamiliar route freaks me out. The locals who were out were super cheerful and one even offered to take my trash along the way. I wouldn't dare drop my used gu packets and biofreeze packets on the pristine streets of Falmouth, Maine.

I cursed myself, I whimpered, I questioned my ability to finish the darn thing. Then something changed, I talked to myself reminding myself that I had been here before and had finished a marathon in harsh conditions and that I had run in the Boston Marathon. Now was not the time to give up. I still don't know where I summoned the strength around mile 20 to kick my 2min run interval into 9 min miles, but I was able to do that for a bit. At the last relay exchange location (this event featured a half marathon, marathon relay and full marathon), I jokingly asked the volunteers if it was too late to sign up for the relay :). I let Keith know that I was heading into my last 2 miles and I was getting texts that I had this in under 6 hrs. I knew I was getting there...I saw Keith who told me to sprint to the finish. My sprint was a little slow, but I reached the finish line and got my medal and mylar blanket. I did it!

Having run races of varying lengths, I have come to realize the difference between pain and soreness. I know that the soreness will go away, but if it is pain, that could be an indication of something of a larger problem. This has really helped me mentally get through the wall. I returned to my desk job on Monday morning and tried to remember to get up more and move more than usual, but it didn't always work. People were surprised I was there, but hey, I am a hearty New I have to save my days for my Disney races ;).

This weekend I have a half marathon on Sunday and a 10k on Monday. Let's see how my body likes me after those. Check back next week!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that:
•A woman has a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime.
•Every 3 minutes, there is a new diagnosis of invasive breast cancer.
•Approximately 230,480 women and 2,140 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.
•Every 13 minutes, a life is lost to breast cancer.
•39,520 women and 450 men in the U.S. will die from the disease annually
These are sobering statistics and just a few facts about breast cancer that have struck me. Breast cancer doesn't care if you are young or old. One of my high school classmates was 30 years old when she was taken by breast cancer. Another high school classmate was in her early 30s when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. My maternal grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer after fighting a brain tumor. She eventually succumbed to the disease, but managed to hold on to see me get married in 1999. Several of my teammates have had cancer or have been touched by cancer.
Since I am female, I have a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer...I am not happy with this statistic. In order to improve both research and resources that support breast cancer research and treatment, the least I can do is to put some effort forth to raise some dough for the cause!
In honor of breast cancer awareness month, I am holding 2 fundraising events. One of them is a virtual 5k to support my local cancer center mecca, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA...check it out. The second is the Laugh Away Cancer Comedy Fundraiser to benefit the Avon Foundation! If you are in the Merrimack Valley area, please consider joining us for an awesome time!
Help support these great causes!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th!

Happy Friday the 13th!

The weather in Boston is apropos for the day.

I have once again been a slacker with my blog. I can offer up all of the standard excuses: fall sports, school starting up again, work, blah blah blah, but I know I am not the only one out there who is dealing with these things, so I have no additional excuses for you all.

I am trying to gear up for a busy fall race and fundraising season. I was very lucky to be able to gain entry into the 2014 Boston Marathon as one of the runners who was unable to finish the 2013 Boston Marathon due to the tragic events of the day. Along the way I have a ton of races to keep me on the right track with training. In addition to my training and races this Fall and Winter, I am also organizing a couple of pretty great fundraising events.

The first is to benefit Team AllEars and the Avon Foundation. On Friday, October 25th, I am holding the Laugh Away Cancer Comedy Night at the Lots of Laughs Comedy Lounge (@China Blossom)on Osgood Street (Route 125) in North Andover, MA. Doors open at 7pm and the tickets are on sale through the link on the home page of this blog or you may send a check made payable to Heather Melito-Dezan to 41 Park Ave, Salem NH 03079. We will have 3 comics, door prizes, 50/50 raffle, prize raffles and a sports memorabilia auction. The full China Blossom menu is available for purchase in the Comedy Lounge.

The second event that I am organizing is the Boo! to Cancer Virtual 5k Run/Walk to benefit Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. If you are unfamiliar with virtual races, they are the most recent craze in bling collection. You register and then on your own, you run, walk, hop, skip or jump the 5k distance and send me an email that you have completed the distance...and then I send you the bling!!!!! I have a great medal designed and they shipment should be coming in mid-October. The cost is $25 for the race and if I reach at least 100 registered participants, I will throw in a t-shirt to each participant! You can see the facebook event page for all the information or if you are ready to register right now, click on the paypal link on my blog homepage. If you would prefer to pay by check, you can make the check payable to Heather Melito-Dezan and mail to 41 Park Ave, Salem NH 03079.

This weekend I will be participating in the Half Way to St. Patrick's Day 5k in Manchester, NH with my husband and kids. My son and husband will probably finish well ahead of my daughter and me since she is only 5 and tends to want to walk or completely stop. We will have our kilts on :)

Gear talk... I have been using this new running accessory to hold my keys, inhaler, chapstick, tissues and phone while I run. Sometimes a traditional running belt bothers me so I gave the running buddy a try. Today through Sunday, buy 2 running buddies and get 25% off AND free shipping. Check it out at

I am still trying to figure out the best water bottle system to use....stay tuned.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

I'm Back...AGAIN!

Hi All! I am back again...I know it has been over a year since my last post and much has occurred. It took almost 7 hrs, but I finished my first Marathon in January 2013 at Walt Disney World. It was hot and humid and I was doubting myself many times during the race, but I did it. It was at that time that I vowed that I would not do another marathon, just stick with half marathons. Well, I returned to my office to an email looking for volunteers to run the Boston Marathon for Boston Medical Center. I thought about it and then threw my sneakers onto the course. Crazy me! I mean, Boston...the holy grail of marathons! Not only was the fundraising commitment a bit daunting, but training was almost non-existent for me. I was nervous and excited for Boston and once I got going, I was ok. The weather couldn't have been more perfect for running and then the Boston Marathon stopped! There was confusion amongst runners, especially just before Mile 20 in Newton, which is where I was stopped. There was also confusion among volunteers and everyone was on high alert. The emotions of that day still creep back in, but they just help keep my determination to finish the Boston Marathon in 2014. Not only am I training for Boston 2014, but I my October is filled with 2 full marathons, a half marathon, a 10k and a 3k and a few short months after that, I will be participating in the Walt Disney World Dopey Challenge, which consists of 5k, 10k, Half Marathon and Full Marathon on successive days. Yes, I really am Dopey! For the final year, I am fundraising for Team AllEars and we are hoping to raise $100k this year. We have to go out with a bang! I am holding a Comedy Night Fundraiser - Laugh Away Cancer at Lots of Laughs Comedy Lounge at China Blossom in North Andover, MA on Friday, October 25th at 7:30pm. Tickets are $25 each in advance and $30 at the door. We will have lots of great raffle items! There is a link to purchase tickets on the right side of the blog :) I am also hosting a Virtual 5k - Boo! to Cancer Virtual 5k Run/Walk. Details can be found at the top of the page and the paypal link it on the right side of the blog homepage where you can register. I am going to attempt to update weekly....